World Pangolin Day will be celebrated on 18 February 2023
World Pangolin Day is an opportunity for pangolin enthusiasts to join together in raising awareness about these unique mammals – and their plight. Pangolin numbers are rapidly declining in Asia and Africa. There is a large demand for pangolin scales used in some traditional medicines, and pangolin meat is considered a delicacy in some cultures.
Show your pangolin love and help raise awareness for pangolins around #worldpangolinday
Things you can do to help pangolins on World Pangolin Day and every day:
- DONATE to organizations which are working to protect pangolins
- POST and SHARE on social using the hashtag #WorldPangolinDay
- CREATE pangolin art — paint, draw, sculpt, tattoo
- EDUCATE people about pangolins
- HOST a World Pangolin Day party or event
- REQUEST full enforcement of laws and penalties for smuggling pangolins (and other wildlife)
- NOTIFY the authorities if you see pangolins for sale at markets or on restaurant menus, or if you know of anyone capturing or possessing pangolins.